TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas sparkles at the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022” Awards


TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, the leading Certification and Inspection organization in Greece, has been distinguished for a second consecutive time as a “Diamond of the Greek Economy”.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas reports uninterrupted growth during challenging times

The prestigious business excellence award ceremony “Diamonds of the Greek Economy” at the Grande Bretagne Hotel drew representatives of the political world as well as executives from the most dynamic business groups and important Greek institutions.

With a successful history of almost 30 years in the field of technical safety, security, certification and further education, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has once again been recognized among the leading companies of Greece for its uninterrupted growth.

An independent Austrian group of 64 companies in 34 countries: TÜV AUSTRIA Group

The “Diamonds of the Greek Economy” jury specifically highlighted that TÜV AUSTRIA Group’s very first international subsidiary impressed during 2021 by further strengthing its innovative, high-quality portfolio of services covering nearly 40 sectors of the Greek economy.

Leveraging the international expertise of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, a leading independent, Austrian corporation of 64 companies in 34 countries, TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS LTD recorded a significant increase of 21.5% in turnover for the period 2020-2021.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas impresses Diamonds of the Greek Economy Jury

Two major acquisitions by TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas in 2022 further expanded its footprint in the certification and analytics and testing market, namely ACTA and Food Allergens Labs. The integration of the two legal entities – based in Greece and Cyprus respectively – strengthens the pillars of Professional Skills Certification and Laboratory Testing and Analysis in the fields of food safety and environmental testing. At the same time, by investing massively in human capital, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas´ workforce has increased by 60% in the last 2 years, exceeding 200 permanent and exclusive employees and 235 external collaborators in 5 (five) different geographical locations in the Greek territory where it maintains local offices.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas sparkles at the "Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022" Awards
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, the leading Certification and Inspection organization in Greece, has been distinguished for a second consecutive time as a "Diamond of the Greek Economy". Beaming with pride of his staff´s incredible commitment and achievements, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas general manager Ioannis Kallias (r) announced: “TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas continues to grow on all levels.” (C) Naftemporiki
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas sparkles at the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022” Awards TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, the leading Certification and Inspection organization in Greece, has been distinguished for a second consecutive time as a “Diamond of the Greek Economy”. Beaming with pride of his staff´s incredible commitment and achievements, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas general manager Ioannis Kallias (r) announced: “TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas continues to grow on all levels.” (C) Naftemporiki

The “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022”, organized by “Naftemporiki”, reward companies that have shown the highest performance in 2021, mainly in terms of their net results, and which have served as role models for young entrepreneurs who claim a central role and a strong position in the market.

TÜV AUSTRIA: Putting the plus in the TIC business

Beaming with pride in his staff´s incredible commitment and achievements, TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas general manager Ioannis Kallias announced: “TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas continues to grow on all levels.” Honored to be ranked among the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022”, Kallias continued that the growth of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas was reflected throughout its operations, “both in the new innovative and pioneering services we create for all those who choose the strong name of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, and in our extended family of companies.”

The engineering and certification expert reflected how during the last two years alone, the TÜV AUSTRIA Group subsidiary had increased its human resources by almost 60%, invested in the complete renovation of its Athens offices, as well as expanded its office infrastructure: “As TÜV AUSTRIA, we consider only working environments designed to meet the highest standards of quality, safety and sustainability to be proper fertile ground for the abilities of our highly trained staff.”

Citing innovation as TÜV AUSTRIA Group´s vehicle and safety as the testing, inspection, certification and training (TIC) organisation´s destination since its foundation in 1872, Ioannis Kallias assured the honourable guests at the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2022” ceremony that TÜV AUSTRIA would continue putting the plus in the TIC business.

Further information

Vaso Kotsaki
Head of CSR & Communication Division

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