The Seal of Quality for Artificial Intelligence


Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub

Left to right: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Nessler (Research Manager Deep Learning and Certification SCCH), Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Economic Affairs and Research Provincial Councillor Markus Achleitner, Governor of Upper Austria, Mag. Thomas Stelzer, DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) and Dipl.-Ök. Thomas Doms (Managing Director TRUSTIFAI) (c) Land OÖ/Peter Mayr

The foundation of the AI Test and Qualification Hub TRUSTIFAI marked a significant step in Upper Austria´s economy and innovation strategy, Governor Mag. Thomas Stelzer stated at a special press conference. Stelzer emphasized the outstanding importance of artificial intelligence (AI) as a central key technology. The cooperation between TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) is groundbreaking:  “TRUSTIFAI serves to test and certify AI applications. An independent seal of quality according to the highest standards creates trust in the safe and reliable application of AI, which in turn further drives the growth of the AI market,” said Stelzer.

Economic Affairs and Research Provincial Councillor Markus Achleitner underscored that Upper Austria is pursuing the goal of becoming a model region for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence by 2030. “For companies, AI offers enormous potential. Certification builds trust and gain competitive advantage,” Achleitner said.

Wirtschafts- und Forschungs-Landesrat Markus Achleitner betonte, dass Oberösterreich das Ziel verfolgt, bis 2030 zur Modellregion für Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence zu werden. „Für Unternehmen bietet KI ein enormes Potenzial. Die Zertifizierung ist eine zentrale Möglichkeit, Vertrauen zu schaffen und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen“, sagte Achleitner.

The CEOs of TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Haas and Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz elaborated how TRUSTIFAI will take a leading position in the field of AI testing and certification in Europe. In doing so, TRUSTIFAI relies on scientifically sound testing methods and transparency to strengthen trust in the technology and create a win-win situation for companies and society.

Since 2020, TÜV AUSTRIA, the ML Institute at JKU and SCCH have been working together to translate the scientific know-how of basic ML research into methods for quality testing and certification. “The methodology includes valid statistical testing of the ML models used, which will now be made available to the AI community in Austria and Europe through TRUSTIFAI,” said Dipl.- Ing. Dr. Bernhard Nessler, Research Manager Deep Learning and Certification at SCCH.

TÜV AUSTRIA has already completed successful AI certification projects in the healthcare, industrial AI applications and automotive sectors. The goal is to establish TRUSTIFAI as a leading AI testing and qualification hub with global reach and international growth. TRUSTIFAI already has all the necessary skills and testing competencies to support an Austrian AI authority in the process of being established and ensures that sufficient competence and capacity is available to certify AI applications with regards to the EU AI Act. “The current testing catalog includes about 300 testing criteria covering functional requirements, secure development, ethics and data protection and will be continuously developed”, says Dipl.-Ök. Thomas Doms, Managing Director, TRUSTIFAI.

From left to right: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Nessler (Research Manager Deep Learning and Certification SCCH), Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Economic Affairs and Research Provincial Councillor  Markus Achleitner, Governor of Upper Austria Mag. Thomas Stelzer, DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) and Dipl.-Ök. Thomas Doms (Managing Director TRUSTIFAI) (c) Upper Austria / Peter Mayr
From left to right: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Nessler (Research Manager Deep Learning and Certification SCCH), Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Economic Affairs and Research Provincial Councillor Markus Achleitner, Governor of Upper Austria Mag. Thomas Stelzer, DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) and Dipl.-Ök. Thomas Doms (Managing Director TRUSTIFAI) (c) Upper Austria / Peter Mayr
TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) establish Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub in a groundbreaking cooperation with TRUSTIFAI. TRUSTIFAI serves the testing and certification of AI applications. By providing an independent seal of quality according to the highest standards, it creates trust in the safe and reliable application of AI, which in turn further drives the growth of the AI market.
Kooperation innotec und SIListra


Η SIListra Systems και η Innotec συνεργάζονται για τη βελτίωση της λειτουργικής ασφάλειας
Επανάσταση στη λειτουργική ασφάλεια με την ανεξάρτητη ασφάλεια υλικού

SIListra Systems GmbH, a highly specialized software company, and innotec GmbH, a consulting company specialized in Functional Safety, announced their strategic partnership to improve the safety development of embedded systems. The collaboration brings together SIListra’s cutting-edge software tool, the certified SIListra Safety Transformer, and innotec expertise in functional safety solutions, aiming for a holistic approach to functional safety.

TÜV Austria Iberia obtém acreditação para certificar produtos de plástico reciclado (norma EN 15343)

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Αναγνωρίζοντας την αυξανόμενη σημασία της περιβαλλοντικής βιωσιμότητας:
Η TÜV AUSTRIA Iberia λαμβάνει διαπίστευση για την πιστοποίηση ανακυκλωμένων πλαστικών προϊόντων (EN 15343)

Η TÜV AUSTRIA Iberia, αναγνωρίζοντας την αυξανόμενη σημασία της περιβαλλοντικής βιωσιμότητας, ανταποκρίθηκε στις ανάγκες των παραγωγών ημιτελών και τελικών προϊόντων, των εμφιαλωτών, των ιδιοκτητών εμπορικών σημάτων και άλλων κατασκευαστών αναπτύσσοντας ειδικά συστήματα πιστοποίησης.

Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph

End-of-year remarks

Into the new year with optimism
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group

The Russian war of aggression has still not come to an end, we are witnesses to Israel’s fight against Hamas terror. Natural disasters, environmental pollution and much more cast a dim outlook on the future. So why are we actually optimistic about 2024?


Recognized at the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2023” Awards

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has once again affirmed its strong presence in the domestic market by receiving recognition at this year’s “Diamonds of the Greek Economy” awards. The ceremony celebrating business excellence took place on Wednesday 14th of December 2023, at the Grand Bretagne Hotel, attended by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Christos Staikouras, and executives from the country’s most dynamic business groups and organizations. This recognition is a testament to the company’s successful journey, as it continues to grow dynamically, investing in innovation and development.


Closing regulatory gaps quickly
TÜV AUSTRIA published position paper

TÜV AUSTRIA presents requirements and proposed solutions for the assessment of AI systems, recommends a corresponding clarification for the EU AI Act and published a position paper.

Kooperation innotec und SIListra
TÜV Austria Iberia obtém acreditação para certificar produtos de plástico reciclado (norma EN 15343)
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph
Stefanie Heinisch (M&A TÜV AUSTRIA Group), Ben Verhagen (Managing Director IVT Inspections), Erik Deboyser (former Managing Director IVT Inspections & Technical Expert) and Christoph Vogel (Head of M&A TÜV AUSTRIA Group)

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