PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

PPE – Personal protective equipment. Simply safe.
TÜV AUSTRIA ensures safety.

Many professional activities, but also leisure activities, require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

To ensure that PPE really protects, it must be one thing above all: safe! TÜV AUSTRIA is an accredited and notified testing body for PPE.

tuvaustria.com/ppe | +43 664 60454 6731 | georg.sonntag@tuvaustria.com

TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH, Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Vienna, Austria

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Highly qualified safety experts

Our trained safety experts are competent and reliable testing service partners for manufacturers, operators and PPE users, and provide advice on all matters relating to personal protective equipment. From planning to periodic testing.

Personal protective equipment includes:

PPE against falling, drowning and sinking
Foot and leg protection
Head and neck protection
Eye and face protection
Hearing protection
Hand and arm protection
Skin protection
Respiratory protection
Protective clothing

tuvaustria.com/ppe | +43 664 60454 6731 | georg.sonntag@tuvaustria.com

TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH, Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Vienna, Austria


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