Λύση: Social Engineering Campaigns

Solution: Social Engineering Campaigns


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Social Engineering Campaigns

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So as to be able to sufficiently protect information values of a company, the persons responsible should be informed about all existing methods to obtain or manipulate intragroup data. Taking into consideration a broad variety of factors, it quickly becomes evident that often times the causes for security breaches are not to be found in technical vulnerabilities. By manipulating employees, adversaries attempt to enter company premises, gain access to IT infrastructures and steal or tamper with business-critical or customer-sensitive data.

(Social-) Hackers make use of multifarious instruments: They take advantage of the employees’ benevolence, unawareness, comfort and trust, thus making them unknowing accomplices. This does not have to be the case! Apart from implementing appropriate technical security measures and contingency plans, an efficient IT security concept requires all staff members to be sensitised with regard to information security.

With the help of social engineering campaigns tailored to your individual needs we will support you in gaining insight into the current security level of your company. The results can serve as a basis for adequate measures to sustainably strengthen the security awareness of your employees.

  • Insight into the current protection level of your company and the degree of your employees’ security awareness
  • A management report listing the performed attacks, the state of aff airs concerning the security level as well as a catalogue of measures with recommendations on fixing identified vulnerabilities
  • Laying the groundwork for security awareness measures to enhance and evaluate the overall awareness regarding the handling of sensitive company information
  • The actual occurrence of threat scenarios that were beforehand only theoretically outlined will ensure the emotional consolidation of the learning experience
  • A periodic combination of social engineering and security awareness campaigns will enable you to protect your company in a sustainable manner

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