Λύση: Plant safety: SEVESO III
Solution: Plant safety: SEVESO III
Safety Report according to SEVESO III Directive
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- Testing and assessment of all internal and external sources of hazards as well as suitable countermeasures
- Propagation calculations and quantitative risk disclosure
- Requirement for businesses falling under Section 8a of the Trade Regulation Act [Gewerbeordnung] (BGBl. I 88/2000)
- Recommendation for businesses working with lower quantities of dangerous substances
- National implementation of the SEVESO Directive in accordance with Section 8a of the Industrial and Commercial Accidents Act (Gewerbe- und Industrieunfallverordnung)
- Preparation of your complete safety report
- Impact analyses in the form of material and thermal propagation calculations, also in the context of official authorization procedures
- National implementation of the SEVESO Directive in accordance with Section 8a of the Industrial and Commercial Accidents Act [Gewerbe- und Industrieunfallverordnung]
- Support in preparing and updating your internal emergency plan
- Provision of experts in negotiations with the public authorities
- Collaborative development of solutions for vulnerabilities in your safety system
- Assistance in implementing plant modifications or operating modes (such as shift reduction, 24-hour operation or installation of a central emergency shut-off system)
- Providing state-of-the-art know-how based on many years of experience
- Coordination of consultation meetings with neighboring and domino operations
- Assistance in communicating with the general public who might be affected by an industrial accident