Λύση: Security assessment of product types in the gematik telematics infrastructure (TI)

Solution: Security assessment of product types in the gematik telematics infrastructure (TI)


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Security assessment of product types in the gematik telematics infrastructure (TI)

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In accordance with §§ 291b Para. 1a Sentence 1 and 2 SGB V, components and services in the telematics infrastructure have to meet the requirements for functionality, interoperability and security and undergo an approval procedure by gematik GmbH. In this context, security assessments on aspects of data protection and information security must be carried out by qualified, independent TI security assessors.

TÜV TRUST IT employees are listed as TI security assessors for gematik*. As a result, TÜV TRUST IT is happy to offer you customised audits of your products for the telematics infrastructure. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to submit you an individual offer.

*See: https://fachportal.gematik.de/service/sicherheitsgutachter/uebersicht-ti-sicherheitsgutachter/

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