Λύση: Safety expert in health facilities
Solution: Safety expert in health facilities
Safety expert in health facilities
Target group
Any employer in health facilities.
For other sectors, the colleagues at the Safety Technology Center (STZ) will be happy to help you.
Legal & normative bases
Austrian employee protection legislation
(ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz ASchG) and regulations
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Services by TÜV AUSTRIA safety experts
Workers in healthcare facilities are exposed to numerous
hazards: transmitted diseases, blood, and hazardous materials
can threaten nursing and cleaning personnel and doctors.
The purpose of preventative services, namely the use of
safety experts, is to advise the employer with the goal of
minimizing risks.
Are you lacking time or personnel? – Contact us, our experts
will be happy to support you. An objective opinion from an
outside perspective also helps to prevent “tunnel vision.”
The trained and experienced safety experts at our Safety
Technical Center advise a large number of hospitals and
rehabilitation centers as well as various rescue and medical
Your advantages
- Benefit from our decades of experience in the field of medical technology, the high level of expertise of our staff
- Thanks to our many years of experience in the health sector, we know the procedures and can therefore carry out the inspections at your premises as quickly and trouble-free as possible.
- The nationwide distribution of our offices in Austria helps you to save travel costs.
- We offer you an economical solution through the interaction with other services, such as the ongoing technical safety testing of
medical devices and the tasks of the safety officer. These tasks can be consolidated and completed with a one-time visit to the healthcare facility. All from one source! - Let yourself be kept up to date with the regular training courses that our safety specialists undergo.
- We work as safety experts for many different customers. This enables us to take a comprehensive, differentiated look at the high demands and problems in the area of employee protection.
- Save time and money with existing documentation templates.