Λύση: Phased Array – PA

Solution: Phased Array – PA



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About Phased Array inspection

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"A wider range of applications due to the free design of sound fields. Linear and sector scans allow a high degree of automation."

In contrast to conventional single-transducer inspection technology, phased array inspection offers a wider range of applications due to the free design of sound fields. Linear and sector scans allow a high degree of automation.

Phased array inspection places high demands on the education and training of inspection personnel. In the run-up to your projects, our engineers and technicians simulate the sound path in order to determine optimized setups for the inspection.

Advantages of Phased Array inspections

  • Inspection with multiple beam angles during sector scan (efficiency and reliability of findings)
  • high volume coverage, with limited geometry of the test object
  • In advance, the ultrasonic trajectories are simulated in order to determine the optimal inspection technique.
  • Same results as with radiographic inspection but: increased testing speed
  • no complex radiation protection measures
  • Wall thickness range up to 300mm normatively testable without the cost-intensive use of a linear accelerator

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