Solution: Hydrogen refuelling systems


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"Hydrogen can be used as energy storage, energy transport carrier and also as a direct fuel.Using H2 as a fuel does not create any pollution"

The realisation that renewable energies are a major contributor in curbing climate change, makes that many sectors are looking for hydrogen as a key energy source. Hydrogen can be used as energy storage, energy transport carrier and also as a direct fuel. Using H2 as a fuel does not create any pollution to the air, as the off gas is water.

In the transportation sector, it is therefore expected that Hydrogen will play an important role. As an energy storage facility, storing e.g., wind or solar energy as hydrogen after electrolysis, in order to transform it back into electricity when needed, e.g., when many electrical vehicles are charging.

But also, H2 as direct fuel is seen as part of the solution. In particular heavy transport vehicles, like heavy commercial vehicles, trucks and busses but also trains and ships, can easily be powered with hydrogen fuel cells.

This growing hydrogen economy and wider spread of H2 powered vehicles drives a need for H2 filling stations. TÜV AUSTRIA supports along the entire hydrogen value chain and accompanies customers throughout the entire product life cycle. And we have extensive experience with the design appraisal, (risk) assessment, inspection and certification of H2 refuelling stations.

The services related to hydrogen refuelling systems include:

  • Conception up to testing before commissioning
  • Safety-related consideration of production, transport and use
  • Risk analysis
  • Materials issues
  • Certification of Origin
  • Support with the official approval for the construction and operation of hydrogen refuelling systems
  • Advice on quality, technical orientation, safety distances, etc.

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