Λύση: Plant Safety: FMEA & FMECA
Solution: Plant Safety: FMEA & FMECA
FMEA & FMECA: Fehlerzustandsart- und Auswirkungsanalyse
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FMEAs (Failure Mode and Effect Analyses) are usually carried out in interdisciplinary teamwork.
FMEA starts with the failure of a component and then considers the effects of this failure on the overall system.
Very often, only FMEA is spoken of, although it is actually FMECA (Failure Mode and Effects and Criticality Analysis). While an FMEA provides purely qualitative results, the FMECA assesses the risk, as is the case in most automotive industry worksheets.
The FME(C)A is mostly used in the production of mass-produced components and is not so widely represented in process industry. It is commonly used to determine the quality of a barrier or individual components within the barrier.