Λύση: Cloudability-Check: Secure Cloud Usage
Solution: Cloudability-Check: Secure Cloud Usage
Cloudability-Check: Secure Cloud Usage
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To many companies cloud computing plays a vital role in arranging their IT-infrastructure. Making use of cloud-services brings about numerous advantages, such as greater flexibility and scalability of IT-infrastructures as well as cost-saving potentials. However, the other side of the coin is the consistently reported increase in security incidents and data protection problems in the context of cloud-computing. Users are further irritated by problems caused by quality defects of the services offered. These include an insufficient availability of service desks when problems occur, uncoordinated maintenance-works and unclear situations regarding the return of data after contract-termination. In order to solve these challenges and be able to benefit from cloud-computing, TÜV TRUST IT has developed the Cloudability-Check, a procedure with which potential cloud-users can substantially reduce risks and attain measurable quality enhancements when outsourcing IT-services into a cloud.
- Minimisation of initially assessed risks with regard to outsourcing IT-services into a cloud
- Estimation whether or not the relevant services and applications are suited to be outsourced
- Neutral, independent analyses and comprehensive result reports
- A specification sheet rendering boundary conditions for choosing the appropriate cloud-provider
- Assessing potentials for optimising your businessprocedures and technically supporting the outsourcing-project